What Causes Alcohol Withdrawal?
Drinking alcohol on a regular basis runs the risk for any person to enter into an alcohol addiction unintentionally due to the highly addictive components that it is composed of. As your drinking behavior increases, your body becomes increasingly reliant on alcohol to be able to function normally throughout the day. Typically, as you increase your daily quantity of alcohol intake, your body begins to create a tolerance to your previous usual amount and needs more alcohol to reach the desired level of euphoria and escape.
As you drink alcohol in excess it begins to affect the neurotransmitters in your brain responsible for the “feel good” sensations and suppresses aspects of your brain functioning. Once you stop consuming alcohol, the suppression you had removed and your brain begins to process feelings or become overstimulated, which often leads individuals to feel emotional side effects such as depression and anxiety along with other alcohol withdrawal symptoms.
The Signs of Alcohol Withdrawal
Alcohol use is often common in modern-day culture. Whether it’s used at work functions, as a way to socialize, or commonly referred to as a method of de-stressing after a hard day, it can feel like alcohol use is normal. This can make the line blurred for individuals if their alcohol use has become problematic and needs to be addressed through alcohol rehab.
Some signs to be mindful of that indicate your drinking has moved from social drinking into alcohol addiction and you are experiencing alcohol withdrawal are:
- Nausea
- Fatigue
- Insomnia
- Intense alcohol cravings
- Body or hand shakes
- Hallucinations
- Seizures
- Disorientation or confusion
Alcohol Withdrawal Stages
When you are experiencing alcohol withdrawal it typically occurs for patients in specific stages through your alcohol detox program. The stages of alcohol withdrawal typically occur in this pattern:
6-12 hours after your last drink
- Anxiety
- Headaches
- Feelings of agitation
- Nausea or vomiting
- Shaking
12-24 hours after your last drink
- Disorientation
- Hand tremors
- Seizures
48 hours or over after your last drink
- Seizures
- Insomnia or difficulty sleeping
- Elevated blood pressure or heart rate
- Visual, audio, or tactile hallucinations
- Excessive sweating or onset of fever
- Delirium tremens
If patients experience delirium tremens (DT’s), it is crucial that you are under the care of medical professionals to mitigate the severity of your symptoms. Delirium tremens are the most serious side effect of alcohol withdrawal as they have the potential of becoming life-threatening. Typically, DTs occur with patients who have been drinking for a prolonged period of time. Patients will often experience symptoms of a seizure, hallucinations, and high fever during this time. In order to maintain your safety, it is important to detox within a medically supervised detox program.
Patients may also experience acute alcohol withdrawal which is often depicted by sudden, severe alcohol withdrawal symptoms that usually appear a few weeks into your sobriety. Patients may experience a sudden loss of consciousness, seizures, and delirium tremens during this stage.
After your initial withdrawal phase, some patients may experience Post Acute Withdrawal Symptoms (PAWS). This stage can last for a couple of months and, in some cases, up to a year. Symptoms of PAWS include:
- Low energy/ fatigue
- Anxiety
- Difficulty with memory
- Mood swings
- Sudden onset of irritability
- Dizziness
- Becoming prone to accidents
- Slowed reflexes
While these symptoms are not life-threatening, they can be uncomfortable for patients. This time is crucial for patients to reach out for support during this time as the potential for relapse behavior is high.
Why Individuals Choose The Healing Place For Alcohol Rehab
Fort Lauderdale residents trust The Healing Place for the high level of care that is given to each individual patient that enters our treatment center. Through our individualized treatment programs, we encourage patients to heal from the emotional, physical, and spiritual ties associated with their addiction. With our unique holistic treatment methods, you will learn new methods of self-care and regulation through all-natural ways of healing that you can use even after you leave our facility. Our compassionate team is dedicated to helping you find your passion for life again through a sober lifestyle and clear mind. The staff at The Healing Place are waiting for your call to create an alcohol rehab program that will free you from your addiction.